Tuesday 7 August 2012

everything seems HARD for us

love is COMPLICATED. tu yg boleh aku describe pasal capital L ni. i'm not kind of person yg pandai nak berjiwang. Dilemma in love. I've give everything and been fool enough for that. it's hard to accept the fact yg cinta korg betepuk sebelah tangan. why u have to stick with person yg  tak syg kan korang? right! im not easy to fall in love. seriously, no lie. hard for me to open my heart to other people. but when it comes to die? it seems diferent and I've being stupid all this time. die ade orang lain lahh. and used u to forget the past. I repeat , USED u. syaiqalbashir, please wake up! aku da try to bawak this relay to the level, and that was just a hope. yahhh, for what aku nak kene sacrifice diri aku kat orang yg tak nak kat aku? I'm crying a lot because of die.  work so hard to menangi hati die. then lastly, aku realise yg die sikit pon tak rase ape yg aku rase. sikit pon. die still ingat pasal past die,and never forget. on top of that, aku selalu and sentiasa fikir kemana die pegi, dengan sape die keluar, mesej dengan sape? bile die keluar tido rumah kawan pon aku da risau macam nak gile. what should i do? tinggal kan die and move on with my own life? or still stick dengan die and tahan dengan semua ni walaupon tak tau what will happen soon which is take a risk? DAMN!  You can close your eyes to the things you don’t want to see but you can’t close your heart to the things you don’t want to feel. tapi selama ni aku memang tak dapat rase kesungguhan die nan aku. but i ignored it. sebab ak pecayakan die, aku selalu pecaya yg die pon akan rasa ape yg selalu aku rase. aku selalu think aku yg tak cukup berusaha. aku selalu ingat kan diri sendiri for dont easily give up on win hati die. aku kene lebih usaha lagi supaya die nampak love aku. tapi........ everything seems hard for us. urmmmm, its okay. I'll try my best to accept this fact. yeahh I'll try.

# so start from this moment, aku kene selalu ingat kan diri aku for dont give any hope to my own self cuz soon we all know that die tak rase ape yang kau rase. please sedar yg u are not worth for die.just be a good friend pon okay kan. i believe that one day i deserve to have someone who deserve to have me.  I’m not supposed to love you, I’m not supposed to care, I’m not supposed to live my life wishing you were there. I’m not supposed to wonder where you are or what you’re doing, yes im not supposed.

Frustrated because I can’t tell if it’s real. Mad because I don’t know how you feel. Upset because we can’t make it right. Sad because I need you day and night. Angry because you won’t take my hand. Aggravated because you don’t understand. Disappointed because u didn't feel what i felt.

* it seems like NOTHING

what do u guys feel if ape yg korang buat tak di appreciate? i've try my best to make a best birthday surprise to my brother, tapi macam tak ade pape? yeahh, words "tak lah semeriah mane" tu memang rase macam lil' bit rough for me after bertungkus lumus to give the best. maybe tak lah semahal mane cake yg dibeli, plus sambut kat stall tepi jalan jek. tak mampu nk bagi lebih. cume ke-ikhlasan aku nak celebrate birthday die tak dapat nk describe.  kalu nak dibanding kan birthday aku bulan lepas, aku tak nampak pon usaha dia. bukan nak mengungkit, tapi terasa sangat dengan die. aku tak harap pon die teruja nan surprise tuh. cukup appreciate pon jadi lah. penat mase nak plan bende tuh, tak payah nak cerita lah. sampai rase macam nak give up jek, cuz die pon macam tak nak bagi kerjasama pon. entah lahh. aku just harap kan yg terbaik jek. DAMN ! rase hancur gile bile bace blog die, bab ape yg ak harap kan tak lansung aku dapat. so thanks to my big brother, im sure that u will get a better present and surprise for ur birthday soon. u deserve that.. but what can i say now is, despite the fight, quarrels and all other candid argument, i still love u my dear brother. i hope this is the best birthday you've ever had. happy birthday.

Monday 6 August 2012


Alright ! now 9.35pm on 6th August 2012. aku kene gerak to Giant for buying something to my big brother n sister, tepat pukul 12pm jap lagi, kitorg nak buat prank suprises. tak tau nak buat mcm mane. we just wait and see. and now yana ,fasha n shasha da tunggu kat bawah. keep calling my phone. guys,hope everything jalan nan lancar . *gile, cara type mcm nk buat pland ape je kan.

DAMN !,wan nih mmg mencabar kesabaran betol. geram gile sehh. banyak bende betol.demanding ! time nih lah nk kuar nan kwn die,time ni lah nk gi kuar beli topup,time ni lah nk jln jln?

Now, yana da beli blueberry cheese cake kat giant. diorg tunggu kat tempat yg nak prank wan nih. but seems like wan da dpt tau lak. hishhhhh... asyik kantoi jek? susah ar nk wat surprise yg berkesan !

guys ! got to go .bye. see u guys latter .remember ! lain kali kalu nk wat suprises ke ape , plan awal awal. jangan jadi mcm kitorg .damn. HAHAHA
   *MR COOKIE SPOOKY' please help me !


Berbuka puasa kat KFC shah alam tadi dengan kawan2. bapak ramai gile kot tadi. have to beratur panjang semata nk makan KFC? xepenah penah beratur panjang kat KFC. bulan ramdhan semua penoh. But thats not the main topic. what i want to story kat korg is ak baru buat member card KFC SNAX ! macam poyo je kan nak cite cite kat blog bende bende remeh nih. tapi tak pe ar, da tak de bende nak tulis. lately nih, aku suke kumpul member card. Tak tau apsal, maybe bab saje nak penoh kan wallet nan card card yg belambak tu. before this baru jek buat STARBUCKS card. half price kot if u use the member card on wednesday and friday. sape tak nak kan! plus aku mmg suke lepak'ing nan kawan kawan kat tempat tempat mcm tuh , so guys ,kepada korang yg suke sgt collect membership card mane mane cafe of restaurant, korang share hoby same nan aku . yeahhh ! lepas nih nk buat THE LOAF membership card. design card tu nice ! serious. korg try ar tgk .

korang kalu rajin, buat lah member card nih. murah je kot! RM3.
collect point, redeem nan KFC nye set. plus buat card ni senang jek. 

Sunday 5 August 2012

i'm BACK !

hey ,almost 1year x update blog ni ? cant believe it .the reason is because

* tak tau sape yg follow aku?
* dont know what te hell is use of this blog?
* tak syok' sendiri.
* purpose utama this blog is can be as diary? isn't?
* confused with the draft,post,da da da da.
* cookie pokie?ape aku cakap nih ? DAMN

Thursday 14 April 2011


hurm..adehhh.susah nye nk jadi 'pro blogger'.
ak cam nk mati study bendealah ni.
cam ne nk carik banyak follower ?
cam ne nk copy url of songs,animation motion,?
cam ne nk bagi page tu nmpak gempak n smart.?
cam ne nk nmpak kan page kite full of colour and x boring?

Thursday 31 March 2011

so far so good*

had a lot of improvement!
hari kedua sign in this blog.'carik punyak carik, ...
dapat gak solve problem last week.!
tau cam ner nk letak layout.hehe'
now still studying 'bout how to find a followers?'
give me just a month to be a 'pro blloger'.
comming soon..

About Me

My photo
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
10july.8teen.proud te be a student of Management and Science University,Shah Alam.Diploma in Culinary Art.ordinary teenage.*lepaking,having a gud time with friend,passion on fashion music food,all this shit is a part of ma' life.and i love it. *honey,money is not everything,but everything needs money.